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Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
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Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
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Pet Friendly Hotels
Czech Republic pet travel regulations. How to enter Czech Republic with a dog or a cat
Are you planning to visit the Czech Republic with your pet? Travelling with pets is possible subject to certain conditions. The rules may differ for pets from other EU Member States and pets from third countries.
Every pet (dog, cat, or ferret) that enters the territory of the Czech Republic must:
• Be identified by a microchip that complies with ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 standards. A clearly readable tattoo is allowed if it was applied before 07/03/2011. Identification must necessarily be made before the introduction of the rabies vaccine;
• Be vaccinated against rabies with a valid rabies vaccine that is at least 21 days old;
• Accompanied by a document (European pet passport or veterinary certificate) with data on animal identification and vaccination against rabies;
• Treatment for Echinococcus multilocularis is NOT required to enter the Czech Republic.
If you come from a country with a high risk of rabies infection (not listed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 576/2013), your pet must also be tested for rabies antibody titer. The minimum acceptable test result for entry into the Czech Republic is 0.5 IU/ml.
Under certain conditions, the Czech Republic allows the import of young pets up to 12 weeks old, as well as animals between 12 and 16 weeks old, whose vaccination is not yet considered valid:
• Young animals may travel accompanied by a mother who has an identification (microchip) and a valid rabies vaccination;
• If young animals are travelling without their mother, they must be identified by a microchip and accompanied by a statement from the owner that the pet has not been in contact with other rabies-susceptible species since birth.
The importation of young animals is only possible for EU Member States and third countries with a low risk of rabies infection (listed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 576/2013: https://www.svscr.cz/wp-content/files/obchodovani /Seznam_vyjmenovanych_tretich_zemi_1_1_2021.pdf).
If you are planning to travel with young pets from third countries with a low risk of contracting rabies, you must request the Central Veterinary Office of the Czech Republic (SVS) at least 15 days in advance to determine the import conditions. The application can be sent by e-mail to epodatelna@svscr.cz or by mail to the SVS contact address.