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Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Мы сравниваем цены от ведущих систем бронирования отелей в партнёрстве с
Pet Friendly Hotels
Hungary pet travel regulations. How to enter Hungary with a dog or a cat
To ensure that your journey with a pet (dog, cat, or ferret) is successful, please read the official Hungarian requirements for the non-commercial import of pets:
• No more than 5 pets per person are allowed;
• The pet can only enter Hungary if accompanied by the owner or an authorized person;
• All pets must be identified with a microchip or tattoo (if it was applied before 07/03/2011);
• It is necessary that the pet has a valid rabies vaccination;
• The pet must have an identity document (EU pet passport or veterinary certificate);
• Animals from third countries with a high risk of contracting rabies (not listed in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 576/2013) require an antibody titer test with a minimum acceptable result of 0.5 IU/ml.
Hungary prohibits the import of young animals without vaccination and animals whose vaccination does not meet international requirements (WHO). The ban applies to all countries, including other EU member states.
Pets from third countries can enter Hungary only through special checkpoints that provide for the customs control of animals. The list of entry points can be found here: https://food.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2017-05/pm_non-com_entry_hun_2017.pdf
If you still have questions, you can find detailed information in Regulation (EC) No 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:178:0001:0026:EN:PDF